BB - 1958 Steel Boxvans

BB68, Benalla

In 1958/59 VR began building 100 No. _BP_ vans. There were insufficient 'BX' bogies during construction so the vans were placed in service with plain bearing bogies and coded BB.

As 'BX' (Box Express) bogies became available they were changed over with the plain bearing type and the vans recoded to BP.

Depending upon traffic and other requirements the BB/BP of this type were modified to BMF_ / BMX_ classes.

By 1974, the last van was BB 68.

BB numbers were:

    22 -    29,     37,     39,     41,     43 -    47,     49,     52
    57 -    60,     65,     68,     73,     74,     81,     86,
    89 -    92,     96,    102,    222 -   231
Vehicle history list