0012 24  QB 9, poor view shows fitted with diamond frame bogies ( as fitted to HH QR and UB in the 1930's ) 0173 02 0219 211 0256 58
0464 60 0464 62 0464 64 0464 66
0464 68 0466 02 0466 04 0614 68
0614 70 0614 72 0728 32 0728 34
0728 36 0731 22 0731 24 0731 28
0731 30 0731 32 0731 34 0772 68
0772 70 0772 72 0803 34 0874 12
0874 14 0970 22 0970 26 0970 28
0970 30 0970 32 0970 40 0986 62
0986 64 0986 66 0987 46 0987 48
1009 24 1050 60 1050 62 1050 64
1050 66