DFDF - Bogie Van/Horse Box

Now this was a most interesting guards van.

It was built in 1901 as a guards van with three horse stalls. It was coded DFDF 1. The diagram above only shows one stall and maybe the modification made about 1905 as referenced below.

The van was built with money set aside to rebuild an 1855 built van, _D__ 69, destroyed at Fairfield. Correspondence for this is numbered 01/10167a.

The timetable data has not been researched yet to find out what lines this van was assigned to. However about 1905 money was spent to modify the van for traffic on the Warburton line. Perhaps these were the modifications for the extra horse stalls.

In 1906 it was recoded to _DD_ 45, and to _C__ 43 in 1910 . This van was modified as a "shower car" and named Carey (2nd) in about 1956.