Any CD or DVD sold is now a stripped out version of the website. As the website now contains about 8Gb of files, distribution is difficult. Core material is the rolling stock data which with basic photos and lists is now about 800Mb in size. Images searches or even the large directories of photos exceeds the 4.7Gb limit. For those wishing for some permanent form, a copy of the website can be transferred to DVD(s) or HDD if one is supplied. The cost will depend upon the work involved.
For those wishing a printed version, the best method is to print and bind the pages produced.
Note: for the searchable image functions to work on your HDD at home, the computer needs to be set up as a "localhost" server where the file path is part of the server directory structure. Pages are encoded with PHP, the datafile is 'mySQL' type and the server configured to interpret 'htm' files as 'php' type. For these reasons a searchable home DVD is outside the scope of the interest and website is the preferred reference.
Please contact:
The Buffer Stop [ East Preston, Melbourne, Victoria ]
Tuesday to Thursday 9am to 5pm
Friday 9am to 9.30pm
Saturday 10am to 3pm
Phone / Fax : Australia 61-03-9478-0038
Faulty disks will be replaced. Contact 'The Buffer Stop' and a replacement CD will be issued when the faulty disk is returned.