VMPY - 'Motorail' Car Transport

In the 1979 recoding, the ALP_ car transport wagons for 'Motorail' service were classed as VMPY. The 'PY' indicated passenger speed bogies fitted.

ALP 58 became VMPY 58 in 1979 and ALP 46 became VMPY 46 in 1982.

In 1985, the 'Motorail' vehicles on the Mildura service were reclassed from VMAY to VMPY. VMAY numbers 2, 8, 9, 17 became VMPY 5, 6, 7, 9 respectively.

In 1985, the codes for these transports were altered again. The short car transports were reclassed to VMAP, same numbers, and the long transporters ( No.46, No.58 ) were reclassed to VMBP 1, 2 respectively.

Vehicle history list