----------------------[PJV'S ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[R11]  11/11/2007   Data for Code  JRB     Version (VA)
                   1984 - VR   Joint Stock Roomette            Passenger           

Output description - Accuracy of information

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 Vehicle.............SV  #  Date...... Loc History............SV Notes

 Allambi            .VW 2nd  3/ 8/1972 ISL Built new             -
                              /  /1976 -   Photograph            #498: V&SAR
                              /  /1979 -   Photograph            #1191: V&ANR
                            circa 1984 -   To    JRB        1.VA -
*                                                ---------------

 Tantini            .VW  -   7/ 3/1950 ISL Built new             -
                            circa 1955 -   Modified              BK bogies
                             1/ 8/1972 -   To    -         12.VP -
                             8/ 8/1972 ISL Built new             -
 -                12.VP  -    /  /1976 -   Photograph            #649
                              /  /1978 -   Photograph            #1028.4
 Tantini            .VW  -  circa 1984 -   To    JRB        2.VA -
*                                                ---------------

Code   SV   Date   Sys  Description                     Type

-      VP   1908 - VR   VR Sleeping Cars                Passenger           
-      VW   1949 - VR   VR-SAR Roomette                 Passenger           
JRB    VA   1984 - VR   Joint Stock Roomette            Passenger           

Code  Location / Builder

-     -                             
ISL   Islington Works               

<0s>  End of output.