TVX / VQBX - Flexi Van Transport


In 1965, ten TVX wagons were built new. They were numbered 26 - 35. These vehicles were additions to the existing fleet of twenty five TVF_ wagons which were recoded to TVX during 1965.

This gave the TVX class numbers 1 - 35.

In the early 1970's, four TVX vehicles were reclassed to TVF. They were: 27, 29, 31 and 32.


In the 1979 recoding, the TVX class were relettered to VQBX. However as the traffic had ceased and most vehicles were in storage the only wagons relettered were: 12 and 14.

During 1980/1981 the entive fleet of TVF/TVX and derivatives were rebuilt to standard container wagons and reclassed to VQGX.

Vehicle history list